Jacob Baime ICC

Jacob Baime ICC is a crucial figure in pro-Israel advocacy. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC), which is based in Washington, D.C. His career is distinguished by strategic leadership and a deep dedication to enhancing the U.S.-Israel relationship. His impact is evident in various national efforts, educational initiatives, and collaborative platforms.

Current Role and Responsibilities
CEO, Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC)
Jacob has been leading the Israel on Campus Coalition as CEO since 2013, focusing on empowering and uniting students to support Israel across U.S. college campuses. Under his guidance, ICC operates a 24/7 National Operations Center, which underscores his commitment to maintaining a strong, continuous pro-Israel presence. His leadership is also marked by the implementation of advanced research methodologies that enhance the coalition's outreach and engagement strategies. Additionally, he emphasizes collaboration across different groups to promote collective goals in pro-Israel advocacy.

Career History
National Field Director, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)

Before joining ICC, Baime was the National Field Director at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), where he led strategic campus initiatives. His leadership helped solidify AIPAC's influence across the nation. In this role, he was also responsible for AIPAC's national training programs for college and high school students, further demonstrating his commitment to nurturing future pro-Israel leaders.

Area Director and Political Aide
Jacob Baime ICC also contributed to U.S.-Israel relations as AIPAC's Area Director in New England and as a political aide to the Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts. These roles provided him with substantial insight into the political dynamics affecting U.S.-Israel relations.

Academic Background
Schusterman Senior Fellow

As a Schusterman Senior Fellow, he has been recognized for his commitment to professional growth and a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding Israel's global standing.

Faculty Fellowship Committee Member, Jewish National Fund – USA
Baime is actively involved with the Jewish National Fund – USA as a member of the Faculty Fellowship Committee, shaping educational programs that promote informed discussions about Israel.

Areas of Expertise
His expertise centers on fostering and maintaining support for the U.S.-Israel relationship. His strategic insight and leadership are crucial in shaping pro-Israel advocacy both on and beyond college campuses.

Jacob Baime ICC's path from grassroots activism to leading the Israel on Campus Coalition exemplifies his relentless dedication to supporting the U.S.-Israel relationship. His strategic leadership and commitment to empowering future leaders continue to influence the narrative of pro-Israel advocacy across U.S. college campuses.
